Σαββατοκύριακο στο Green Park

25/11/2015 - 19:00

Το Green Park σας προσκαλείΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 28 ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2015

12.00 το μεσημέρι :: “PRESENT”

Διάλεξη από τον εικαστικό Dan Perjovschi (στα αγγλικά)

* Για λεπτομέρειες δείτε πιο κάτω στα αγγλικά
13:00 :: “Things can’t go on like this’. Oh but they can, they can.”
Διάλεξη από την επιμελήτρια Natasa Illic των WHW (στα αγγλικά)

* Για λεπτομέρειες δείτε πιο κάτω στα αγγλικά

Συζήτηση γύρω από το θέμα της συνέχειας με εισηγήσεις-μαρτυρίες από διάφορα κοινωνικά πειράματα με στόχο νέες πρακτικές προτάσεις.
Ομιλητές: Νίκος Γιαννόπουλος - ιδρυτικό μέλος του Δικτύου για τα Πολιτικά και Κοινωνικά Δικαιώματα, Μυρτώ Μπολότα - συντονίστρια της Αλληλεγγύης για Όλους, Μίτη Βρασιβανοπούλου - μέλος του δικτύου αλληλεγγύης 6ης Κοινότητας Αθήνας " Το Μυρμήγκι"

18.00-20.00 :: Τις Κυριακές η Γειτονιά συζητά στο Green Park.
Συζητάμε με τσάι και κανέλα ζητήματα της περιοχής, ιστορίες από τα παλιά, τη σχέση του Green Park με τους κατοίκους της περιοχής, νέες δράσεις στο χώρο. Οι συμμετέχοντες αποφασίζουν τις ανάγκες και τις θεματικές της συζήτησης που λαμβάνει χώρα σε μικρές ομάδες, σε διαφορετικές γωνιές του χώρου. Στόχος μας είναι οι σκέψεις και οι ιδέες να γίνουν δράσεις που να καθορίζουν τη λειτουργία του χώρου για μια μέρα τη βδομάδα.

20.00 :: “Flying universities and other art sustaining environments”
Διάλεξη & συζήτηση με τον επιμελητή και θεωρητικό Kuba Szreder (στα αγγλικά)

* Για λεπτομέρειες δείτε πιο κάτω στα αγγλικά

** Είσοδος ελεύθερη

** Το Green Park είναι μια πολιτιστική κατάληψη

Green Park - Μαυροματαίων 22, Πεδίον του Άρεως, Αθήνα



Saturday 28 November

12:00 :: “PRESENT”
Lecture presentation by visual artist Dan Perjovschi
The presentation is about how his practice developed and changed due to the political changes around him. From Dictatorship to Democracy, from Painting to Drawing (with some performances on the way).
He draws museums, newspapers, Facebook, mainstream and alternative, huge or modest spaces Moma New York and Mesogeios Heraklion. Somebody referred to his drawings as intelligent graffiti. He keeps this definition. Somebody refers to his drawings as "ideas" and he also like this definition.
Dan Perjovschi born 1961 lives and works in Bucharest and Sibiu Romania.His solo exhibitions include “Pression, Liberte, Expression” at Magasin Grenoble in 2015, Unframed at Kiasma Helsinki 2013, News from the Island at Reykjavik Art Museum in 2012, Not over at MACRO Rome in 2011, Late News at Royal Ontario Museum Toronto in 2010, What Happen to US? at MoMA New York and I am not Exotic I am Exhausted at Kunsthalle Basel in 2007, The Room Drawing at Tate Modern London, On the Other Hand at Portikus Frankfurt and First of May at Moderna Museet Stockholm in 2006 and Naked Drawings at Ludwig Museum Cologne in 2005. He participates at group shows like Sao Paolo Biennial 2014, Paris Triennial 2012, Dublin Contemporary in 2011, Lyon Biennial in 2009, the Sydney Biennial and Fifth Floorat Tate Liverpool in 2008, The Magelanic Cloud at Pompidou Paris, the 52nd Venice Biennial and the Moscow Biennial in 2007 and the 9th Istanbul Biennial in 2005. Perjovschi received George Maciunas Prize in 2004 and ECF Princess Margriet Award in 2013 (with Lia Perjovschi)

13:00 :: ‘Things can’t go on like this’. Oh but they can, they can
Lecture by Natasa Illic, WHW
What, How & for Whom/WHW is a curatorial collective formed in 1999 and based in Zagreb and Berlin. Its members are Ivet Ćurlin, Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić and Sabina Sabolović, and designer and publicist Dejan Kršić. WHW organizes a range of production, exhibition and publishing projects and directs Gallery Nova in Zagreb. 
Since its first exhibition titled What, How & for Whom, on the occasion of 152nd anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, that took place in Zagreb in 2000, WHW curated numerous international projects, among which are Collective Creativity at Kunsthalle Fridericianum in 2005, 11th Istanbul Biennial What Keeps Mankind Alive?, Istanbul, 2009 and One Needs to Live Self-Confidently...Watching, Croatian pavilion at 54th Venice Biennial, 2011. Recent projects by WHW include the festival Meeting Points 7 that took place in Zagreb, Antwerp, Cairo, Hong-Kong, Beirut, Vienna and Moscow under title Ten thousand wiles and a hundred thousand tricks in 2013 and 2014, exhibition Really Useful Knowledge, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid in 2014, and So You Want To See, e-flux gallery, New York, 2015.

Conversations regarding the question of continuity of social, cultural and political bottom-up experiments. Bringing together different experiences and voices we seek to explore new practices and collective alternatives.
Nikos GiannopoulosMyrto BolotaMiti Vrassibanopoulou

Sunday 29 November


18:00-20:00 :: On Sundays the neighborhood discusses at Green Park
Over tea, cinnamon and cookies we discuss the issues of the area, stories from the past, the relationship of the space with the local inhabitants and communities and plan together new actions in the space. The participants decide themselves the needs and themes of the weekly discussion that takes place in various corners of the space in small groups. We intent the thoughts and ideas of these weekly discussions to become actions and structures that will define the function of the space for one day every week.

20:00 :: 'Flying universities and other art sustaining environments'.

Presentation by Kuba Szreder and open discussion
During this meeting I would like to discuss the history, practice and research of Free/Slow University of Warsaw, a mock university operating in Poland. Together with my colleagues, we have conducted several research projects about such issues as political economy of social creativity, conditions of labor and division of resources in the field of contemporary art. I will try to describe briefly how Free/Slow University negotiates project-related modes of production in order to sustain its line of research despite the neoliberal cultural policies. In this way, I would like to open the discussion about the plethora of art sustaining environments, mock institutions, artistic collectives, cooperatives, networks and individuals who operate in the expanded field of art. I will propose for us to collectively share experiences, tactics and strategies related to our ways of doing things, sustaining ourselves and organizing our activities.
Kuba Szreder – graduate of sociology at Jagiellonian University (Krakow). He works as an 'independent' curator, his interdisciplinary projects combine artistic practices with critical examination of society. In 2009 he initiated Free / Slow University of Warsaw, together with Bęc Zmiana Foundation and other colleagues. In his theoretical research, he reflects upon the apparatuses of contemporary artistic production and their socio-economic context. In the Summer of 2015, he was awarded a practice-based PhD from Loughborough University School of the Arts. In his thesis he scrutinizes economic and governmental aspects of project-making and their impact on an 'independent' curatorial practice.
